
Showing posts from October, 2019

Project Selection- Film

     The movie seems to have the opportunity to be a more fun project. This is just off the bat, filming the beginning of a movie with friends would appear to be more intriguing than typing articles. I also believe the subtlety of the techniques used to make movies would be up my alley. I would greatly enjoy trying to set up a movie with deep themes that can be alluded to in the beginning segment. I think the attention to detail I possess would be tailored to a project like this, plus grammar isn't something I necessarily want to have to worry about in my final project. Films are remembered for the emotions they can produce (Psycho with suspense for example) or the themes they deal with ( both occasion are remembered through their master-class execution of film making).  One worry is that the execution of a 17 year old high school student in actually using the film making programs or utilizing film techniques to convey my message would make the theme or propose chopp...

Project Selection - Magazine

     The impact that the magazine has had on culture is truly indelible. Famous magazines can be rattled off by the majority of people: Times, Rolling Stone, Cosmopolitan, Sports illustrated, and countless others that mean so much to so many people.There is a particular comfort in a magazine, the standard fonts and formats all issued at a specific date bringing the warm sense one has when greeted by an old friend.  I would definitely enjoy crafting my magazine sample that's tailored to my own individual life, but a life that many others can relate to. Within the magazine pages, I could create the illusion of decades of printing or a lived in feeling. The movie, with a two minute time limit, really makes it difficult to establish much of anything. The taking of photos and doing an interview provides some opportunity to get out and diversify my activities in Sarasota. This is an option to definitely not scoff at.