
I will be cast as Ed, this is part due to my understanding of how I want the role played. In addition to that I fit the mold we had in mind for his physical appearance. The Physical appearance sets up a variety of jokes we can use.

My Partner, Ellie, will play Svetlana. This is for a variety of reasons, one of which is the same reason as me in that she understands most of what character needs. However, to contrast, she is a tall blonde. Vampires are usually imagined to have dark hair. We felt as if the change would mirror her awkwardness or irregularity as a vampire, after all she faints at the sight of blood.

We will need some one to film our movie, but we will use my sister in this instance. My partner and I will carefully monitor the filming process as she does this for us and ensure it would be the same as if the camera was in our hands.


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