Target Audience Research - Vampire Academy

   This movie has the age range we are looking for as well as the demographics for their target audience, however this movie isn't a drawn out comedy instead it follows in the run of the mill youth film genre with the big screen debut of the the best selling YA book series of the same name. The marketing for the movie doesn't really try to draw in more people so much as it was there to signal, "hey teen girls of the world, and their boyfriends... come see this movie." The marketing aspect runs on the basic vampire puns that are slightly involved into the movie, for example, the photo above. However, the bright aspect of this movies marketing besides the basic trailer and poster releases etc., was the idea of a fan base promoting the movie for you for free essentially as they are excited for it. If i had to take one thing from this movie's marketing toward the target audience would to not under estimate the power of social media for marketing. A simple meme that could be created would generate potentially exponential earnings. 


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