Target Audience Research - What We Do In The Shadows

     This movie does have a slightly higher age range than what the film audience we intended to attract but is a novel example as it demonstrates the light-hearted vampire humor we aimed for. "What We Do In The Shadows" has an audience similar as it is essentially the same demographics we were had set as besides the age, and this is only around two or three years off only because of the R rating for the film pictured above. This film was excellent for audience and marketing research as it had articles written about how masterful and complete the marketing was. Some of the best examples of the depth of their marketing was the "appearance" of these vampire characters in public areas in full costume and character. The vampires even had a large black umbrella, not too dissimilar to what we attempted to do with Svetlana in our film. Fake action figures were even made for the film's marketing. What I found to be most captivating as a technique to get people to see the movie was the art contest they had for drawings of the characters in a sort of contest. This was actually explained with in the movie as being vampires the flat mates don't have reflections so they draw hilarious and child-like pictures of each other to give visual feedback to the wearer. Hence having an art contest. I loved how this was interwoven directly into the movie, it serves as in excellent tool of persuasion along with the other emotional appeal via humor.  They had other forms of media distribution but active involvement is the way to go for sure for our film.


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