Creative Critical Reflection #2

The audience engagement taught me much about how some movies get made in the middle of a sort of era or time of popularity. The shining example of this is really "Vampires Suck" as it combines the spoof fad that exist at the time of its creation with movies like "Scary Movie" or "Haunted House" as well as general popularity from the "Twilight" book and movie series. The main audience of the "Twilight" movies is the teenage or pre-teen girls that read the book and had opinions on "Edward v. Jacob", the two rival love interests of the books. The movies did a very good job at attracting more than just than the fandom they had. "Vampires Suck" was a critically panned movie for the boy friends that got drug to see the romantic vampire movies the film spoofed. "Vampire Academy" had failed at even getting the audience of their fandom instead attracting younger girls than they probably targeted and pegged to see the movie. The other film that served as reference for audience engagement as this film had more humble beginnings and was not in the height of a fad or popularity. The vampires where not designed to be portrayed as teens or attractive to an audience. Indeed it was more about a few house mates that instead of drinking beer they drank blood. This was more the basis were aiming for considering the public was tired of the teenage vampire movie. The marketing for our movie was largely based on what "What We Do in the Shadows" did, to elaborated they had their main characters at conventions and answer questions in character. We think using our character more around the location we filmed in character would be great for marketing when combined with a social media presence. More over, besides the basic and given trailer, posters, and etc, we would like to partner sunscreen company to use our characters on the bottle in a nod to Svetlana's heavy use of sunscreen in the film.


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